Hereā€™s a quick and simple definition: An idiom is a phrase that conveys a figurative meaning that is difficult or impossible to understand based solely on a literal interpretation of the words in the phrase. For example, saying that something is "beyond the pale" is an idiomatic way of saying that it is improper or "over the line," but you

A very comparable idiom is "to cut the head off the snake" It means to stop a larger problem by aiming at the source - often the leader, or a major culprit. The implication is that the rest of the problem will naturally die off without that source. It is sometimes used in military situations to mean targeting the head of an organization.

Flag fall ( An Australian expression for a fixed starting fee, typically at the start of a taxi ride ) Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall ( Bob Dylan song ) If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything ( Malcolm X quotation ) Into every life a little rain must fall; Let the chips fall where they may ; Neck and crop
to turn a blind eye. to bite oneā€™s tongue. to give someone the cold shoulder. give someone's the cold shoulder meaning - video lesson. to have your back to the wall. to make your blood boil. to have a lump in your throat. a kneeā€™s up. to chance your arm.
A list of phrases related to the word "snip" Click on a highlighted word to list phrases related to that word Bumper crop. Clip joint. Clip your wings. Cream of the crop ( ) Crop up ( the meaning and origin of this phrase ) Neck and crop.
In several European languages cream is used to mean the most excellent part. In English we rarely use cream this way outside the phrase cream of the crop, but most English speakers would understand our meaning if we were to say, for instance, they were the cream of their graduating class. Cream of the crop is hyphenated ( cream-of-the-crop tPKI.
  • neck and crop idiom meaning