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Here you can find latest navigation / map updates for Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Middle East and Rest of the World. We do have map updates for most of the MMI systems like MMI 2G High, MMI 3G Basic, MMI 3G High, MMI 3G Plus, MMI Mib1, MMI MIb2, MMI High Scale 2 (MHS2). Every updates are available as single map
Received 24 Likes on 19 Posts. Audi MMI, Virtual Cockpit and iOS 13 CarPlay. Lots of CarPlay enhancements in iOS 13 - even support for dual screens - wonder if this will allow CarPlay to display in both the Audi MMI screen and virtual cockpit simultaneously??? - New interface with interactive dashboard view.
2. Accept the prompts in the MMI to enable wireless CarPlay. Upon accepting, the MMI shares the Wi-Fi security credentials to the iPhone over Bluetooth. It's important to note that the customer will never need to manually pair the iPhone to the Wi-Fi hotspot in the vehicle 3. At this point, Apple CarPlay should be active in the MMI.
Wireless CarPlay on A5. Enable WiFi and Bluetooth on your iPhone. Select Phone in A5’s infotainment system. Select Connect Mobile Device. A list of available mobile devices will appear on A5’s screen, select the desired device. A PIN will be sent to the iPhone. If it matches the PIN in the MMI, select Pair on iPhone.
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audi mmi navigation plus apple carplay